Friday, September 7, 2012

Finders Keeper Friday, Sept. 7, 2012

Another Friday, another thing that I love, love, love.  This time I am going to introduce you to Bountiful Baskets.  Bountiful Baskets is a nationwide food co-op that provides foods to you that are either locally grown or grown by small, independent farmers.  I cannot tell you how much I love this program.
For a weekly contribution of a mere $15.00 plus a $1.50 handling fee (hey, they have to pay for that gas to get the produce to you somehow!), you get quite a bit of produce!  This coming Saturday will be our third week contributing to the co-op and receiving a produce basket.  The word "basket" doesn't really do the amount of food you get justice.  It is more like two boxes of food.  And by boxes, I mean two diaper case size boxes.  For example, last week we received the following:

1 bag of peaches
1 bag of nectarines
1 three pound bag of onions
several more onions
7 red potatoes
3 heads of broccoli
5 tomatoes
1 bunch of bananas
1 pineapple
2 cantaloupes
1 celery

I know for a fact that I could not go to the grocery store or even the farmer's market and buy this much produce for a lower price than what I contributed to the Bountiful Basket co-op.
Another beauty of this co-op is that it is all volunteer run.  So if you are really interested and want one in your area, you can easily start a pick up site.  In fact, even though we have a pick up site in our area, I would prefer to have one closer to home.  So when Nicole is just a little bit older, I am strongly considering starting one in our little town.  I might even help my sister start a pick up site in her town, as they don't even have one yet!  Hard to believe, considering how wonderful this program is.
If you would like information, be sure to visit their website at  I guarantee you that you will love this program as much as I do!

Disclaimer:  I did not receive any compensation for the above post.  It is solely my own opinion, and Bountiful Baskets doesn't even know I exist.  Well, they do, but they don't know my blog exists.  Again, just for the record.

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