Monday, April 8, 2013

Where Have I Been All This Time?

Goodness!  I kind of checked out there for a while, didn't I?  Let me apologize for that.

I think I was trying too hard...trying to meet everyone else's expectations and my own thoughts of what I and my blog should be.  And as a result I lost the true me.  In a way, I lost my voice.  But since then I've learned a few things, and am excited to be back in the blogging world.

Let's catch up, shall we?  Josh has taken a new position in his company which keeps him away from home even MORE than before.  And I greatly dislike it.  He greatly dislikes it.  The kids greatly dislike it.  But it is a job during these tough times so we keep plugging along.

Cassandra just finished up school two months ahead of when she would have in a "normal" school.  Thank you, Alpha Omega Academy online school!  And she finished up as a straight A student. I am beyond proud of her.  Now she is ready to move on to her next life adventure...moving to New Jersey.  She met a nice Christian boy through her school, and their connection led to her spending a week with him and his family in December.  Don't was a closely supervised visit, and she and the boy have very strong convictions about dating behavior before marriage.  So all of this has led up to Cassandra going to New Jersey in a few weeks, and now that she is 18 and considered an adult, she and the boy are planning to get married soon afterwards.  How do I feel about all this?  Well, some days I feel as though it will all be okay, and some days I feel as though I need to tell her there is no way on earth I am letting her leave.  Ultimately, though, I have to recognize that she is an adult now, and that my job now is to support and guide.

The other kids are doing fine...growing like weeds as kids do.

I took up crocheting, and recently took it from a hobby to a business!  I opened up a shop on Etsy called Grand Escape Crochet.  Check it out!

Well, I think that's about all I have time to write for now.  Hopefully I'll be back into full blogging mode soon!

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