The Proverbs 31 Challenge

Be sure to keep scrolling down to see each week's challenge and results!

The Proverbs 31 Challenge
Last year I read a book called "My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife", by Sara Horn.  It really is a great book.  It isn't so much a "how-to" book as much as a book based upon the author's experience, or as she calls it, "experiment", trying to live up to the Proverbs 31 woman of the bible.
Aside from some pretty delicious recipes, there is a 10 day challenge for the reader.  I have always meant to do the challenge, but something else usually took precedence, like, oh, I don't last pregnancy and all those prenatal appointments!
But lately I've been thinking that I need to revisit this book, and the challenges within.  Therefore, beginning tomorrow, I am going to start with the first challenge.  Only I think I will make it a 10 week challenge instead of a 10 day challenge.  I am doing this for several reasons.  A) It will give me a buffer of time to accomplish a task.  B) Perhaps I can drag out the good I am hopefully doing for my husband and my family.  And C) It will give me a chance to share this experience here on my blog.
Feel free to do these challenges in your home as well, and share your own experiences.
My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife

Till then!

Week 1
All righty, then, let's get this started!

This week's challenge is as follows:
"Today, go out of your way to show love to your husband.  Make his favorite meal.  Call him or text him and tell him why you love him.  Resist complaining or nagging about things he hasn't done (or things he has that bother you).  Pray for him and tell him you prayed for him today."

Aye caramba!  This sounds simple enough, but when you really sit down and think about it, how much of this do you already do every day?  This challenge calls for us to go out of our way to show love to our husbands.  Okay, let me think about this.  He worked really hard yesterday cleaning out the garage.  It is about 1/3 finished.  This was on top of watching my nephew for the day, who is 2 1/2 years old.  Eloise does NOT like sharing her toys, her time, her parents, her anything with her cousin, especially when she woke up at 5:30 am and was tired and C-R-A-N-K-Y.  But he had those two out there trying to keep them entertained while I was inside the house trying to get Nicole to eat and/or take a nap.  And he somehow still got a lot accomplished.  So today, after church and grocery shopping (which, because he is an awesome husband, he almost always goes with me), he asked what we needed to do today.  I told him "Relax.".  So right now he is in the other room playing some video game on the PS3.  Which, if you know me at all, you know that I enjoy video games about as much as most people enjoy hearing nails on a chalkboard.  And I enjoy watching someone play them even less.  So, I think not discouraging him from playing these games, which he finds relaxing, might just be a way of showing him love.  I will not complain or nag him about this activity at all this week.

I did, in fact, pray for my husband this morning, but I haven't told him that I did.  I will save that for tonight when we have our nightly whispered conversations that happen after the kids are finally asleep.

Hmmm, I will have to find other ways to accomplish this challenge as the week goes on.  I'll let you know the results next Sunday.  Until then, good luck to you on your own challenge this week!


Week 1 Results
This week was a mixed bag, since we had the 4th of July holiday right smack dab in the middle of it.  But I did my best to go out of my way to show love to my husband.  On Monday I finally got around to ironing some of his shirts and work pants that have been hanging on the laundry closet door for a couple of weeks.  I normally don't iron his clothes simply because it is difficult to find the time with Nicole constantly wanting to be held.  And when I do have opportunities to put Nicole down for a few minutes here and there, I usually use that time to prep dinner items or fold laundry or sweep and mop the floors or clean the toilet get the idea.  But this time I focused on taking care of Josh's clothes, and then I hung them up.  I didn't tell Josh that I had ironed his clothes, and to be honest, I don't think he noticed either.  But I did it, and I did it out of love for my husband.

On Wednesday Josh had the day off due to the holiday (you can read more about that under the Back to Order Monday tab up top) and he spent almost the entire day cleaning the garage.  As as way of showing my love for him, I turned off the control freak side of me for the day.  Instead of going out to the garage to "help" by telling him what I thought he should do and where he should put things, I asked him what I could do to help.  I let him be the one in control.  (And really, isn't that what the good Lord tells us to do?)  I put my faith in the fact that Josh was a capable man who didn't need his bossy wife telling him what to do.  And you know what?  He got a LOT accomplished on that day, even without my "help".  I definitely think he felt the difference, and the love I had for him.

Thursday was a tough day.  Josh had gone back to work, and even though he comes home every night, we miss him while he is gone from the house.  Yes, we ARE that sappy of a family.  Eloise woke up after Josh had left, and was upset because she had wanted to have breakfast with her daddy.  Nicole was clingier than normal.  Charles was arriving from his mother's home in the late afternoon.  (Sadly, much as I think of him as my own, he is not my birth child, and we have to share him with his actual mother.)  I needed to get laundry done, Charles' room clean, the floors swept, mopped, and vacuumed, the bathrooms cleaned, and garage sale items prepped.  I was stressed and stretched to the limit.  Oh, and throw in the fact that Cassandra had a follow up doctor appointment that morning.  So as my way of showing love to my husband that day, I decided to NOT tell him about the trials and tribulations of the day the moment he walked in the door like I always sometimes do.  I would instead ask about his day and focus my energy on him.  I think he noticed this and I think it made the evening go a lot smoother.

As for Friday and Saturday, I don't think I did a very good job of going out of my way to show my love for my husband.  And both days were pretty stressful as we worked on our garage sale, so there may have been some annoyances with each other at times.  But overall the days went pretty well, and during the downtime between garage sale customers Josh got to spend some quality time with Charles by throwing the football around and playing catch with the glove Charles had completely forgotten he had even owned until we found it in the garage.

All in all, I think the week went well, and I think the little things I did to go out of my way to show my love for my husband were indeed felt by my husband.  And I call that a success for this first week's challenge!

Week 2
Okay, here is the coming week's challenge:

"Today get up earlier than you normally do and take a quick inventory of how your house looks.  What rooms feel good?  Which rooms do not?  Do a quick pick-up and put-away before your day gets started.  This is not a heavy cleaning day, you're just putting away the clutter.  Do the same thing tonight before you go to sleep."

Oh, heavens.  This is right up my alley.  Except for that whole "get up earlier than you normally do" thing.  I'll let you know how it goes next week.  Stay tuned!

Week 2 Results
Wow, does the word "Fail" even begin to cover this week's challenge?  Here's what happened:
I normally do not get out of bed until Nicole wakes up.  She sleeps with us, so oftentimes if I get out of bed, she wakes up too, which does not help me do a "quick pick-up and put-away" at all.  And besides that, I love sleep.  It really would have been a wonderful sacrifice for me to get up earlier than normal.  Apparently I was not capable of doing any wonderful sacrifices this past week.  In fact, I was kind of a stressed out basketcase this past week.
As for for putting things away before bed, I did do that a little bit.  But I am not the last one up in the evenings.  My husband usually stays up about 20 or 30 minutes after I take Nicole upstairs for bedtime.  He spends some extra one-on-one time with Eloise or Charles, or Cassandra if she is around.  So sometimes I will come downstairs in the morning and find things a bit more out of order than when I left the room the night before.
Huh.  I guess this is an area I really need to work on.  I didn't do my husband or my family any good in this area this week.  And that is not okay with me.

Week 3
"Today, think about the ideal temperature you would be if you were a thermostat in your home.  What are some things you'd need to add?  Take away?  Make it your goal today to keep that temperature in your household (spiritually and emotionally)."

Considering my emotional outbursts this past week at Eloise and Cassandra, this is definitely going to be a good challenge for me in the upcoming week.  I hope I can be a warm 78 degrees this week.  Not too hot and not too cold, but comfortable.

Week 3 Results
It took me until Friday to realize that 78 degrees inside a home would probably be uncomfortable for most people.  An outdoor temperature of 78 degrees is perfect.  Indoors, not so much.  But up until Friday, I was working at being 78 degrees. Hopefully I didn't make anyone in my family uncomfortable!  I suppose ultimately, it didn't really matter if I wanted to be 78 degrees or 72 degrees.  The goal was to be consistently comfortable both spiritually and emotionally.
I have to say that this past week went pretty well.  I made a strong effort to be more calm, more relaxed, and more attentive to the needs of my children and my husband.  This was definitely something I needed to add.  And our home seemed to hum along happily.  Until Saturday.  On Saturday morning there was an ever so slight communication breakdown with Josh.  The thermostat in our home went up a few degrees.  And on Saturday afternoon, there was a communication breakdown with one of the kids.  There went that thermostat going up towards the uncomfortable zone.  Argh!  Talk about this being a challenge!  Surely the Proverbs 31 wife had communication issues with her husband and children, don't you think?  Maybe she was just better at that part of her life than I currently am.  Maybe she realized that it wasn't all about her, but about the common good of her family.  And the common good of her servants, which I don't have, but maybe if I did I wouldn't be stressed out!  But that is beside the point.  Really, the point is that I need to take away some of my selfishness and desire to be "right" all the time, whether that be with facts or with how others might perceive our family due to our actions or behavior.
The good news is that these breakdowns didn't last too long, and with some humbleness on my part brought on by the realization that, ahem, I don't always have to be right, and it really doesn't matter who is right or wrong as long as we can work together towards the solution, then I (or even you!), as the thermostat in our home, can keep things at a comfortable temperature for everyone.

Week 4 Challenge
"Today, take a look at your kitchen.  Do your cabinets or pantry need organizing?  Is there clutter on the counters?  Make time to clean up and get the clutter out!  Plan a special meal for your family for dinner and use the good dishes.  If anyone asks, tell them it's because you love being their wife/mom."

Um, Sara Horn, were you eavesdropping on our family this afternoon as we unloaded our grocery shopping bags?  I was just telling my husband that we really needed to clean out the fridge.  His response was, "Just keep shoving things in there and pushing things towards the back."  This was said half-jokingly, but oh my golly gosh goodness, that is exactly what has been happening!  Every week!  Same with our pantry!  This madness has to stop!
If you have been reading the home page and the Recipes page, you know that recently Cassandra began buying her own groceries and preparing the majority of her own meals.  This has been an incredible life skills building opportunity for her.  It has also meant more food in both our fridge and pantry.  And it has meant more dishes in the sink that don't always necessarily get cleaned in a timely manner.  Since she will be going on a family campout this coming week with some of her cousins, this will be an excellent opportunity for me to declutter, clean, and organize.  Oooh, I am excited about this and hope I can get it all done this week.  As for the meal, Charles will be with us this week, so I will be able to make a special meal with all the kids present!

Week 4 Results
This was such a great challenge for me this week.  And considering how busy our week became, it truly was a challenge.

I finally started tackling the fridge on Tuesday.  Eloise was kind enough to help with wiping down the shelves in the refrigerator door.

Boy, was there ever a disgusting mess in there!  There was some gooey glop that had been on the top shelf for I don't know how long.

And let's not even talk about the bottles of miscellaneous items that were outdated and needed to be thrown out.  It felt so liberating and good to finally get rid of all the stuff that was just taking up room in our refrigerator!  After I decided what to keep and what to toss, I took an old towel (I always keep old raggedy towels and use them for household cleaning chores instead of throwing them away), and wiped down the shelves and walls of the fridge.  Then I took a Magic Eraser and scrubbed, scrubbed, scrubbed the shelves and walls until they were really nice and clean again.  There were, however, two stickers on the inside of the fridge that I could simply not remove, even after soaking them with vinegar for over an hour.  The refrigerator belonged to Josh's grandmother and came with the house when we purchased it from her.  At various points in time she had boarders and her own adult children living with her.  Apparently each person had their own shelf in the refrigerator, and a name sticker to designate who had which shelf.  If anyone out there has any ideas as to how I can get these stickers off, please let me know!

Because time is not always on my side, I had to leave the the crisper drawers until a different day.  But when Josh came home on Tuesday, he actually noticed that the refrigerator was clean and commented on it!  That made all the effort worth it.

On Wednesday I cleared all the clutter off our kitchen island.  Nothing too exciting there, because I have been trying really hard to keep that area a clutter free zone, so it was mostly just maintenance rather than a huge undertaking.

Finally on Friday I was able to tackle the crisper drawers on the bottom of the refrigerator.  EGADS!  It was the most disgusting part of the challenge.  I do not think we have cleaned that part of the fridge since we moved in, and I have a feeling it was not cleaned before we moved in either.  Yuck!  But I got it all wiped down and scrubbed clean with the Magic Eraser again.  And I took the drawers themselves and washed them with hot soapy water.  Ah, so much better.  It looks so pretty now.

The one thing I did not get to do was make a nice dinner for my family.  Does it count that I make dinner just about every week night?  Josh usually makes dinner on at least one weekend day if not both Saturday and Sunday.  But Monday thru Friday it is usually my domain.  And I hate to say it, but we don't really have any "nice" dishware.  Isn't that odd?  Maybe I should buy some.  Hmmmm...maybe I can find a better alternative idea on Pinterest.  Anyway, I did take Charles, Eloise, and Nicole out to Bauman Farms on Friday morning, and we stopped by McDonald's for lunch on the way there and bought fresh made cherry donuts at the farm.

Photo: Loading them up with sugar at Bauman Farms

If you know how diligent we are about not eating highly processed foods, then you know that this was most certainly a special treat for them.  Cassandra was camping with some extended family members, so she was getting spoiled with camp food treats.

So, in a way, yes, we did have a special meal, just because I love them. And I think when I told my husband how much fun they had, that made him happy too.

Week 5 Challenge
"Today, make it your priority to show patience with your husband and children.  Ignore the little things that drive you crazy and look for ways to be supportive."

Oh, man, this is definitely going to be a tough one.  I can be a bit of a control freak, and it really is the little things that drive me crazy.  Things like drawers and cupboards left open, clothes left on the floor, whining, etc., oh yes, they do indeed grate on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.  Did you read my post on Making Mommy Dearest Look Good?

This is going to take some work on my part.  But if what I have experienced so far in this challenge proves me right, being less impatient and more supportive will have a much more positive impact on my family than my typical impatient ways.  Or it may drive me to the edge.  I guess we'll see!

Week 5 Results
I am sorry to report that Nicole and I are sick today, and will have to give you the details of my results later this week.  This also means that I will have to take a week off from the challenge, and begin week six's challenge next Sunday instead of this Sunday.  Believe me when I tell you that I wish we were healthy and I was able to tell you all about this past week's challenge. Ah well, it just isn't in the cards for today.  I will write again as soon as I possibly can this coming week.  Thanks for hanging in there!

Week 5 Results Updated
Okay, everyone is feeling a bit better now, despite nonstop runny noses.  So now I have to go back and try to remember how last week went with me making it a priority to show patience with Josh and the kids.  You would think that wouldn't be that hard, huh?
Well, let's see...Monday was pretty good because Josh had taken the day off.  That always makes things a little less stressful for me.  So being patient and not letting things drive me crazy was kind of easy.  Now once Tuesday came around, well that's a different story.  It's always a bit of an adjustment when Josh is back at work.  I think I've mentioned that before.  So my patience gets really a little thin.  There are just so many things that drive me crazy!  But every time I felt like I was getting annoyed or impatient, I remembered the challenge and prayed that the good Lord above would help me. It seemed to help, and I'm sure most of that was due to the praying!
On Thursday, Eloise and Nicole started having runny noses.  Eloise seemed to have the worst of it.  Which meant she was super whiny and just not feeling well.  On the one hand, this made the challenge a little easier because she didn't want to do anything but lay on the couch.  On the other hand, there was a lot of whining. Which I don't deal with well.  But I felt so bad for her it was easier to be patient with her poor little self. By Friday afternoon she was much better, despite the persistent runny nose.
And Saturday was again a pretty easy day. It was also the hottest day of the year so far where we live.  We took Eloise and Nicole out to Bauman Farms to see the animals, and then stayed home for the rest of the day.  Not a whole lot of stress or things to drive me crazy like normal.  It was almost too easy.  Maybe all that praying paid off in a bigger way than I thought.
I don't think anyone in the family really noticed any changes in how I dealt with the stresses of the week, but that is okay.  I am carrying this new "patience a priority" attitude into the foreseeable future.  I kind of like this new me!

Week 6 Challenge
Okay, let's get this show back on the road!  I have been just antsy as can be waiting for this week to end so I could start a new challenge.  Well, here it is...Sunday!  What is our challenge this week?

"Today, look for ways to be kind to your husband.  Write a note to him and put it in his car or on his pillow. Tell him how grateful you are that he is in your life."

If you know me and my husband, you know that we pretty much constantly tell each other how much we love one another and how much we appreciate each other.  I love this about our relationship.  I hope it continues until death do us part.  So I really want to look for new and surprising ways to be kind to him this coming week.  He is pretty amazing, and I want him to know I feel that way about him.

Any ideas out there as to how you show extra kindness to your husband?

Week 6 Results

This actually turned out to be a pretty difficult challenge for the week.  As I mentioned, my husband and I have a pretty strong connection and work hard to let each other know the other is appreciated and loved.  And on top of that, he wakes up before me and goes to bed after me.  So being sneaky was pretty much darn near impossible.

I did, however, take the opportunity on several days out of the week to text him with a good morning note and to let him know I loved him.  Normally I wait for him to text me each day because, well, you know, he's at work and I don't want to be an interruption.  But I made an exception to that unwritten rule for the week.  And you know what?  He appreciated it!  It made both of us feel good.

I also did seize one opportunity that was presented to me to write a little "I love you" note and put it in his lunchbox.  He had left for a bit one evening to put gas in the car, and so I grabbed the closest writing utensil, which happened to be an orange magic marker, and quickly wrote him a note.  It felt awesome, knowing that  the next time he opened his lunchbox, my little note would be there.  He sent me a text early the next morning to thank me.  I hope he felt my love with the words I wrote.

However, yesterday my kindness kind of turned into me being somewhat of a snot.  I made little barbs at him, with no provocation whatsoever.  They weren't mean or malicious.  But they weren't very nice of me either.  I made little comments regarding his driving and a couple of things from our early dating years.  Why?  I have no idea.  I immediately apologized, but I could tell my words had a negative impact on him, even though he didn't say anything.  I learned my lesson.  Be nice.  Be kind.  Be gracious to your husband, and it will come back to you tenfold.

"Her husband has full confidence in her, and lacks nothing of value."

Week 7 Challenge

"Today, begin making something special for your family.  Maybe it's a photo scrapbook or a crocheted blanket or a tablecloth for family meals at home.  As you work on your project, pray for your husband and children."

Seriously, Sara Horn, how is it that these challenges always intersect with something that is actually going on in my life?  Oh yes, that's right.  It's called God.  He knows what is going on, and uses it for his glory.

I just finished a different book (I'll talk more about that on a different day) that discusses ways to save money and re-use things.  I have been thinking of making a braided rug for our dining room.  I also have been working on making yearly photo albums for each of our children to present to them on their birthdays.  In addition to those back burner projects, I have been wanting to learn to crochet blankets.  I wonder if I can do any of those things, given my limited available time.  But wait!  There is hope!  The challenge is to "begin making something special...", not finish it in one day or one week, or even one month.  Yes, I think I can do this.  I really hope so, anyway.

And you, what will you begin making this week?

Week 7 Results may have noticed that I did not post Week 7 Results last week.  Why, you wonder?  Well, I had forgotten that the following Sunday was our five year wedding anniversary!  How on earth could I have overlooked that when I was trying to think of ways to begin making something special for my family?!?  I don't know, either, but somehow I did.

But not to fear.  Because it was our anniversary, I did make something very special for my husband, and it got the kids involved as well.  But first, let me tell you about the other project I made.

I have seen several tutorials on Pinterest on how to make a pillowcase nightgown for little girls.  So off I went to the Goodwill here in town, and for $1.99 I came home with not one, not two, but four pillowcases.  Two of them were a very pretty vintage floral pattern, which I knew Eloise would love.  The other two were a forest green and a dark brown, so those have been set aside for a project as yet to be determined.  But after washing and drying the floral pillowcases, I was able to quickly (and I do mean QUICKLY) stitch together the cutest little nightgown for Eloise.  She loves that thing so much that she asks to wear it every night.  As a result, I have bought more floral pillowcases at the Goodwill to make into more little nightgowns.

Eloise, being enchanted with her newly made nightgown.
Now let me tell you about the gift I made for my husband Josh.  Well, it actually was a lot of little gifts.  Being on a tight budget requires lots of love and creativity.  Because we have been married for five years, I bought five candy bars to represent each of the sweet five years.  Get it?  And then I wrote cute and corny little things to go with each one.  They were:

1.  Almond Joy - because he brings such joy to my life
2.  Sour Patch Kids - because even when things are sour, with him by my side I know things will end up sweet.
3.  Peppermint Patty - because he was a breath of fresh air in my life
4.  Payday - because I appreciate how hard he works to provide for his family
5.  Reese's Mini Peanut Butter Cups - because I love our little "mini" versions of him and me (i.e. the kids)

I also bought five other miscellaneous things to accompany the candy bars.  Again, there were corny little cards attached to each.

1.  A first aid kit - because he has helped me through several medical emergencies, and actually saved my life once.
2.  A rain poncho - because we will weather any storm together
3.  A glow stick - because he lights up my life
4.  Applesauce in sqeezable packets - because he is my main squeeze
5.  Head and Shoulders shampoo - because he is head and shoulders above the rest

All of these items were mixed up and divided up equally between two bags.  Because we were married on the 26th day of August, on the 26th minute of each hour I asked him to draw an item out of one bag, and the kids took turns drawing one item out of the other bag.  This was a lot of fun, and everyone really enjoyed seeing what the surprise was and reading the corny little cards attached to the gifts.  Grand total for this gift of love?  About $12.00.  Surprisingly little for a gift that lasted several hours and was received with so much love.

We also went to Lincoln City on the Oregon coast, had lunch at a wonderful Hawaiian restaurant there called Oceans Apart (which I highly recommend), hit the beach for about 10 minutes (it was too cold and rainy to stay much longer), went to the outlet stores, and bought candy.  
Our family, on the cold and drizzly Lincoln City Beach.
All in all it was a beautiful day, and an amazing way to spend our anniversary together as a family.

So, yeah, I think I did okay with the Week 7 Challenge.  Maybe it didn't go exactly as I envisioned the week going, but the beauty is in the vision God has, not me.

Week 8 Challenge

"Today, take care of the little things.  If you see dust, don't ignore it; wipe it off.  Spilled detergent on the washer?  Wipe it off.  Are the towels under the bathroom sink messy and haphazard?  Straighten them to look neat and tidy.  Look for the little ways to invest your time in showing your family you care."

In all actuality, I try to do these things anyway.  but I know I could do better.  Although sometimes I do wish I could get everyone else in my family to do the same!  But this isn't about them.  This is about me, and how I can serve my husband and my family.  Okay, Karin, buck up and take care of those little things!

Week 8 Results

This past week's challenge was both an easy one and a difficult one.  The easy part was actually doing it...taking care of the little things, like picking up dirty clothes off the floor on my husband's side of the bed, not leaving the empty toilet paper roll on the holder, etc.  The difficult part was having no on notice all those little things I did.  I won't go into any real detail on what little things I took care of, because I didn't take the time to write them all down or remember them all.  But I did have to consciously make an effort to not pass up the opportunity to not let the little things be left undone.

After about 3 days of being mindful of the little things that needed to be done, it started to irritate me that no on noticed that I was taking care of it.  In fact, it irritated me so much that by Wednesday I was feeling quite unappreciated, and went so far as to make a Facebook post about how men should thank their wives for all the little things they do.  (Which, I might add, was "liked" by a great many of my women friends!  Go figure.) It wasn't until Saturday morning that it clicked with me.  It isn't about being noticed and being appreciated.  It is about serving our families selflessly, without expecting something in return, whether that be appreciation or something monetary, or something even better.  (Like chocolate! Haha!)

So what do you think, do you selflessly serve your family, or do you get irritated at their ability to let so much of what you do go unnoticed or unappreciated?  While it IS nice to be noticed and appreciated, don't worry if your family doesn't notice.  Someone way more important does notice and does appreciate you, in ways you and I will never be able to replicate.

Week 9 Challenge

"Start your day with prayer.  Ask God to give you wisdom and a desire to serve your family today in ways he wants you to.  Look for opportunities to pray for specific needs for your household and individual family members."

I love how this challenge is going.  Sara Horn, you knew what would happen as we progressed along in this challenge, didn't you?  I do try to start my day with prayer, but sometimes the crying children cut into my quiet prayer time.  Maybe I should start waking up with my husband, and trying to have some quiet time before the smaller children wake up.  It might work, it might not.  Nicole tends to want to nurse every hour after 5:30 am until she finally wakes for good at about 7:30 am.  But the only way I will know if this will work is if I try.  

What about you readers?  How will you fit prayer time into your morning routine?

Week 9 Results

Hmmm...this past week's challenge didn't go so well.  At least the waking up earlier part.  I still tried to get some prayer time in while I showered, but that even that was pretty limited due to constant worry that my now 10 month old would somehow smash her fingers in the door or a drawer or eat some drywall (don't ask) or some other disaster would befall her while I showered.  This is pretty much every day for me, except on those rare occasions when Cassandra offers to watch Nicole and Eloise while I shower, or Josh is home. But due to Josh going in to work earlier, my plan of waking up an hour earlier didn't work out so well.  In fact, it kind of frustrated me and left me feeling like a loser since I couldn't make it happen.  I think I need to cut myself some slack and look for a different way to go about getting in some much needed prayer time to start my day off on the right foot.  But today I am exhausted and feeling a bit down on myself.  I will have to figure this out tomorrow.  Just not today.  Today instead I am going to forge ahead and start on our LAST challenge!  Can you believe we are on week 10?  Me neither!

Week 10 Challenge

"Today, be confident that God has called you to be the wife he's called you to be.  Resist any doubts you may often tell yourself.  Rest in the knowledge that God has placed you where you are to make a difference to your spouse and your family.  Today, make that difference."

Well, if that doesn't fit in with what I just wrote for my Week 9 Results, I don't know what does.  This past week or so I have been feeling very alone here in our home.  Josh has been going in to work early, and coming home late.  Because of all the new things he has been required to learn at work, when he is home he isn't really home.  He's tired and worn out, and an hour after he gets home it is time to put the kids to bed.  On top of that we've been planning Eloise's third birthday party, which spun way out of control in a short amount of time, leaving me feeling stressed out.  I have NOT been feeling like a good wife, or a good mother, or a good for much of anything, for that matter.

So this week I am supposed to make a difference.  I am going to do my best to do as the challenge states: " confident that God has called you to be the wife he's called you to be.  Resist any doubts you may often tell yourself."  Oh, Sara Horn, right now I just want to cry.  Great.  Now I am starting to cry.  I feel lonely and I feel sad.  I want so badly to be THAT wife and mother.  The one who is perfect to every one in every possible way.  But I am not.  I am just an imperfect person who desperately needs God's hand to guide me.

Okay, readers, let's take this challenge together.  I think we all feel down sometimes, despite how wonderful we know our life truly is.  Let's turn this back around and remember that we ARE placed where we are to make a difference.  What difference will you make today?

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