Friday, July 13, 2012

Making Mommy Dearest Look Good

Yesterday was one of those days when I made Mommy Dearest look good.  At least the first half of the day I did, anyway.
Eloise is in the fun stage known as "potty training".  And normally she does really well.  But yesterday morning was not her best day.  And I yelled at her.  I let her know I was NOT happy.  I yelled at Cassandra, because she had given me teen attitude.  I let them both know in no uncertain terms that I was angry.  And then after lunch, I yelled at Eloise again.  I threatened to throw her Elmo lunch plate in the garbage.  It was so bad that she asked me through her tears if I could please be happy now.  That was a wake up call, and I felt absolutely horrible.  She had done nothing more than simply be her two-year-old self.  And apparently I was being a two-year-old too, throwing a tantrum because I was tired and things weren't going my way.
These tender young hearts were given to me by the grace of God to love and protect, and I was hurting them.  I asked God for forgiveness, and then I spent the rest of the day doing my best to make up for my hurtful actions.  I grew up with angry outbursts being the norm, and I try very hard to not be that way with my own children.  I just pray that God will give me the patience and grace and strength to not make Mommy Dearest look good ever again.

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