Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Orange Cauliflower

I had no vehicle yesterday.  Our minivan is in the shop being repaired, and Josh had to take the car to work. Which means that my plan to go get some chicken for dinner was a no go.  So I had to come up with something else.  I cannot necessarily call what we had the best dinner ever, but it did the trick, and Josh and Cassandra seemed to like it.  Eloise, however, does not like cauliflower, no matter how disguised it is.

I boiled the cauliflower with some cut up Hebrew National hot dogs, and then also made some Annie's Organic mac-n-cheese right in the same pot as the cauliflower and hot dogs.  The cauliflower was the same exact color as the mac-n-cheese, so I thought it was pretty well hidden and Eloise wouldn't notice.  She did.  And she refused to eat any more once she found it.  Oh well.
Like I said, not the best dinner in the world, but at least it tasted good!

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