Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It All Started With a Little Thing Called Facebook

Well, here we are...starting a blog.  I never thought I would be one to do this.  I'm not a writer by a long shot, and the majority of my days are spent changing diapers, feeding children, trying to get a dinner pulled together, cleaning my house as best I can with a baby in one arm and a broom in the other, and trying to keep it all together until my husband gets home.  But like I said, here we are.
So what happened that made me start a blog?  Food.  Food happened.  I love food.  Not the crazy food you'll see on TV, but good old fashioned comfort food.  Now I realize that the idea of "comfort food" can take many forms, and I am not opposed to trying a different culture's version of it.  Just don't ask me to try any half baked baby chicks still in the egg shell.  That I cannot do.
But let's get back to the point of this post.  I have a friend who is currently posting pictures of her daily lunch.  She is on a diet program, and she also posts how many points her lunch is worth.  And I love it.  I love looking at the delicious things she eats.  So that got me to thinking, why don't I post some pictures of what we have for dinner?  I did this for about 4 days.  Then I began to feel...odd about it.  I felt like I was fishing for compliments.  (I wasn't.)  I began to feel like people might be annoyed.  ( I hope not.)  And I began to feel like I needed to do something else.  (Here we are.)  Interestingly enough, the very same day this blog idea popped into my head, my brother-in-law over in South Korea commented on one of my dinner pictures that it was time to start considering a blog instead.  Um, was this some sort of sign?  Of course, I fought with the idea.  Who, me?  No, not possibly.  I have way too much to do.  I can't even get five minutes by myself, much less enough time to actually sit down and think about what to write.  But again, here we are.
I hope this blog is enjoyable to the reader.  I hope it inspires others who feel crazy busy but want to put a decent meal on the table each night.  And I hope you'll be patient as we go through this adventure together.

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