Monday, June 11, 2012

Back to Order Monday

I don't really know how it happens, but every weekend our house explodes and becomes quite possibly the messiest place in the state.  Okay, maybe not the messiest, but darn close.  I don't know if it is because we are all home, or because the majority of our weekend is spent running errands, or because we simply get lazy, but come Monday morning I almost dread coming downstairs because of what I know awaits me.
So for me, every Monday has become "Back to Order Monday".  Between feeding the kids (which Nicole takes up a LOT of time, since I nurse her), making sure Eloise makes it to the potty in time to avoid an accident, any errands we have to run, baths, and all the other things that happen on any given day, I try to get our house back to a somewhat clean and organized state.

The living room is always the worst, since we spend the most time there.

And some Mondays that is the only room I can manage to get clean.

And as much as I like a clean and organized home, I try not to worry about it too much, because I  know I can always tackle a different room tomorrow.  As long as I keep things sanitary, I'm okay with a little mess for a little while.  I do have to admit, though, that sometimes the messiness and general disorganization does get to me, and I can't wait to have a week or weekend to really get down to business and ORGANIZE!  Until then, I'll keep cruising Pinterest for ideas.

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